In this post, you'll learn how to build your very own AI-powered gym tracker using AI-Powered Pose estimation. You'll leverage MediaPipe and Python to detect different posts from a webcam feed. Then render the results to the screen using OpenCV.

As part of it, you'll also learn how to extract joint coordinates and calculate joint angles! You’ll learn how to:
To see demo:
1. Set up MediaPipe for Python
2. Estimate poses using your Webcam and OpenCV
3. Extract join coordinates from the detected pose
4. Calculate angles between joints using Numpy and Trigonometry
5. Building an AI-Powered Gym Tracker to count your reps

Software requirements:
The key points are detected using pose estimation and angle between key points (elbow and shoulder) are noted. Based on the threshold assigned to the angle, we can estimate the up and down stages in the Gym tracker.